Monday, 27 March 2017

Rough Cut 2

After completing our second Rough Cut, we analysed what we needed to alter to improve our film opening and therefore come closer to achieving a Final Cut.
For our next Rough Cut we must:

  • Add identical Sounds to all Flash back transitions.
  • Take out first 2 voicemails, leaving the third. We have decided that the 3rd is only relevant, as it gives enough information of where 'Molly' is going. Deleting the other 2 allows an increase in narrative enigma, and allows us to focus the audience attention on the visuals rather than audio.
  • Add the Soundtrack that we have made on 'Logic Pro'.
  • Add in the Titles.
  • Take out Flashbacks in Train Scene.
  • Film and add shots of 'Molly' walking out of the Train Station, and down a country road, as well as a shot of a Train pulling into the station.

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