19th March
On the 19th of March, we organised to meet and film the Train Scene from our film opening. Although the weather was not what we initially expected, or wanted, we agreed that in actual fact the rain played to our advantage in creating a pathetic fallacy of Molly's emotions. With this in mind, we were very happy with the shots we filmed inside the train, of Molly looking out the window, travelling away from her home town. However, due to the weather, and the awkward timing of Sunday train times, we were unable to film the vital shot of Molly walking from the station platform, onto the Train. This is however planned to be filmed very soon.
In the evening, we managed to film a couple more shots that we felt we needed to improve the Car Crash flashback at the start of our film opening. A specific one was filming car headlights traveling towards the camera, so that we could composite the shot onto the windscreen of a shot of Molly's Parents driving (replicating a car traveling directly towards them).
Good production logging Kathryn but I'd also like to see some progressive rough cuts too. Tell George to get them off his computer so you can embed them in your blog!!