Friday, 30 September 2016

Previous Year 12 Film Opening Analysis

Analysis of film opening: The Brief 

film opening begins with a blurred in shot for the title scene of cars passing by on a road, these titles inform us who the film opening was produced, directed and edited by. It then switches to a shot of a boy walking into the gym in the bottom right hand corner there are the time and place being typed up in a typewriter font and and a typewriter noise. This could relate to a spy film as it is something that is commonly seen in these sort of movies as the boy walks along the corridor and up the stairs there are a range of different shots used such as a tracking shot. There is also a steady beat of music building up as he walks towards the gym door. 

When he walks through the doors of the gym there is a blurred in low angle shot showing just his body and not his face using a range of different shots gives the film opening a better effect and makes it more interesting. once he is in the gym the beat of the music gets louder and faster. The camera shows a close up of the boy putting his shoes on as it shows the viewer what he is here to do. it then shows an extreme close up of the back of the boys head just before he starts running this shot has a central composition because he runs in a straight line.

While the subjects is running around the gym the camera follows him at this point the camera is hand held making the viewer seem more involved in the film. This film opening uses central composition a lot this draws your eyes towards the subjects and works very well in which the way they have used it. The message shown by the close up of the phone informs the reader what is going on it also uses a shallow depth of field meaning your eyes just focus on the text.

The scene the switches to a tracking shot of the subject walking along a path the typewriter text is used again to give the viewer an idea of where he is. We see a full body shot of the boy and another boy is seen behind him it looks like he is following him because he is looking at him. When he sees the boy he starts running and music picks up, the music is tense and really fast. The camera is hand held this resembles to them running and makes you feel like you are part of the action.

The camera shows a point of view shot showing the boys point of view when he is running the also makes the viewer feel like they are in the action. It also shows flashbacks of when he was in the gym and how the things in the gym helped him in real life for example when he jumps over the wall it shows him doing pull-ups in the gym.

When the boy who is chasing the other boy get passed his bag it shows you a close up shot of his face as if you are inside the bag looking at him when the boy gets away we see an over the shoulder shot of him walking slowly across a bridge. If i was to grade this work i would give it an A as a wide range of shots have been used and loads of different filming techniques have been used the opening is also easy to understand and invites the viewer in making then want to watch on.

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