Thursday, 17 November 2016

Prelim Task

This is our preliminary task, where we filmed a section of dialogue between the two characters, playing a teacher and pupil, over a table. The conversation was very brief and consisted of the teacher  asking the pupil their opinion on their exam results. 

Analysis of the task

Overall, I think that the preliminary task was both filmed and edited well. Our biggest success in my opinion is the continuity on the clip; each shot flows from one to the other, making the audience least aware of the pauses we will have had to take between takes as possible. To ensure this was reached we made sure that our shots, that were to later to be edited together, contained movement that would then be continued into the next shot.

We also were set the rule of no auto focus, therefore we focused manually before recording each shot,  varying the iris of the shot where it was needed. We also used a Tripod to film our Prelim, which we used to achieve the height of the shot we felt necessary (low long shot at the start and a eye-level middle shot) and also to maintain a height - especially between switching shoulders of the actors.

There are a few things however that could have been altered to achieve an overall better outcome, one of which was the white balance of the shots. We could have altered the white balance better on the camera settings before recording some of the shots so that each clip matched when put together. There was also a moment near the start of the Prelim, where there is a unwanted camera shake as the camera is moved to follow the actor from the stairs, to the door.

To put together the clips and to complete our preliminary task with a full, edited video I used the application Final Cut Pro, which I found was ideal, and I worked with it well.

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